06 May 2008


Amy's Game:

3 joys
3 fears
3 goals
3 current obsessions/collections
3 random/surprising facts
-Tag five people at the end of your post by leaving their names .
-Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.


Not being able to work
Tipping over a semi.... wait.. I did that..
Having a bear charge me and not having a gun.

Buy Crystal Ranch
Own a Business
Take a month long vacation and not have to worry about work/money.


There are many days I hate my job.
I'm always looking at new jobs.
I can't think of any other things.

now it's your turn.


Jeremy said...

You tipped a semi? How id that happen?

Jeremy said...

What is crystal ranch?

Steve said...

I was going up a hill, 26-28% grade at the steepest part, and the engine died. The brakes didn't hold, the truck was rolling so I couldn't get it into gear. I decided to put the back corner into the hillside thinking it would stop me. The ground was so frozen that it just picked up the corner of the truck and tipped it over on it's side.

Crystal Ranch is a private ranch in the uinta mountains. Yellowstone river runs through it. Latitude 40.5319 and Longitude -110.3393 . It's too bad Google earth has the pictures in the WINTER on this area.

Jeremy said...
