14 December 2008


Well, we've had a wee bit of snow here in Roosterville. I don't really mind the white stuff. In fact, I actually enjoy it. The only thing I don't like about it is how stinking bright it gets. You can't go anywhere in the day time and not have sunglasses. If you do, you can't see for 10 minutes after you get inside because of the snow blindness.

One good thing to remember about the snow though is this. RABBITS!! It seems to be a downer year for rabbits this year from all the reports I've heard. Rabbits go through seven year cycles. They boom for a while, then they bust. Last year was probably the last boom year. This year has been a bust. We didn't see a single rabbit when we went to get our Christmas tree. And I've only seen one live rabbit out in the oil patch while doing deliveries. But that was all before the snow. Snow changes everything. Now I just need to take the time to go chase the tasty little creatures.

Anyone care to join me?


Dan said...

I'd love to go hunting wabbits.

Little SOBs just need to learn to stand still long enough for me to get a crystal clear sight picture.

Steve said...

stand still? now how are you going to hone your skills if you're shooting at a sitting target? .22s and running rabbits are great fun. but we do get many standing still shots come dead of winter. which now that we have good snow, has just begun.

Dan said...

Alright, fine.

I'll use a shotgun.

Steve said...

shotguns on rabbits are not allowed while hunting them with me. only the lowest of the low use a scatter gun on the poor innocent rabbits...