06 January 2009

The cold... and other things..

For those pansies out there thinking the cold is here, it's not. We haven't hit the lows yet. Yes, middle sink up around Logan has hit -53, and yes, Sunday we went to church and it was -9. But seriously, the cold has yet to come. We have still had sunshine. And we have still had a high on the plus side of zero. For those newscasters in Salt Lick City, the "bitter cold" isn't here like you think it is. We'd love days in the 20s. Snow melts when it's that warm. Less layers of clothing are necessary to carry out your duties for the day. The cold has yet to come. We may not hit the lows of previous years (-47) but it will come. It's only been -22 so far this winter. It's been a nice mild winter.

Amy said the other day if you would have told her 5 years ago that she'd be living in one of the coldest cities in Utah she'd have laughed at you. But now look at her. She has adapted and so can you.

If the oil prices will get back up around $60-70 a bbl things would be just fine out here. They hit $50 today! But they did close at $48.xx. I'm a little mixed on how I should feel about higher oil prices. On one hand, I want to keep my job. And I want it to be busy at work. But on the other hand, I love the lower gas prices. It's kind of a catch-22. Scary thing is overnight 98 rigs shut down across the country. At work on the company web page it has a rig count for the USA. Yesterday it was 1721. Today it was 1623. That's a heck of a lot of rigs to shut down in one day. Hopefully we can get it back up to the 3000 of the past summer. Only time will tell. Just hope all the enviro-nazis get their heads out of their backside and realize how important oil is to them. Plastic and poly-fibres sure are hard to make when you don't have the oil to do it. No true greenie should be reading this anyway. Cause no true greenie would still be using oil products like they tell us not to. So they couldn't use a keyboard, cell phone, or any other means of getting online. Sucks for them!


Dan said...

Nothing pisses me off more than the eco-freaks. How these people can go through life refusing to acknowledge the reality of energy production and consumption, I'll never know.

Amy said...


Steve said...

Check this out! Someone is finally protesting FOR energy!


Jeremy said...

You know Steve, I felt the same way about housing. Angry it was taking away my tromping grounds, but happy it was going strong so I could have the work.

Don't you worry about the oil prices. They will be back to three bucks a gallon in no time!

Jeremy said...

As for the cold...When exactly does it start "getting cold"

Steve said...

End of January usually... if it doesn't come by then we are usually safe.