16 December 2009


From what I understand, ALL water in Utah belongs to the state. Conaster vs. Johnson in the Utah Supreme Court states that in their findings. That being said, why doesn't the state come pick up it's water? All over town people have piled it up for them. It's their water, they should have to deal with it's proper placement.

11 November 2009



Not working either..FYI

10 November 2009

still waiting...

Amy knows what I am still waiting for...

09 November 2009

another test...

I don't think this theory will work...



05 November 2009

No one cares...

Since the blog list doesn't update, then I'll just put meaningless chatter on here...

23 October 2009

Mosin Education..

Dan, you need to learn this and purchase the items needed, and then do my M44.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3 The results...

10 October 2009


I made progress on the shed today. For reference so you know how tall the shed is, I'm sitting on an 8 foot ladder.

28 September 2009


Last week when Amy was out of town I decided I'd have a venison roast for Sunday dinner. Here are the pictures of this delicious meal. And Jeremy, before you start saying how much I suck cause I had this without you, just remember, you have a roast in your freezer waiting for you to cook up.

27 August 2009


I haven't posted on here for a few weeks. I figured I should post something, just for fun. It's been a busy month. Working on building a shed, I have a floor... and my walls are framed.. just not standing yet. The archery elk hunt has started. We hiked 10 miles opening day. Saw some elk but they weren't holding still so we didn't get to put our sneak on. Work has been busy but good. It's nice to have a job that is fun to go to. I don't really dread going to work. It's a good feeling.

I am running for city council. I have a few signs out there. Not near enough. I need to create a flyer and distribute it around.. I just don't know where to start!

Anyway.. that's the small update on my busy life..

04 August 2009

My Political Views based on a facebook quiz...

My Political Views
I am a right moderate social authoritarian
Right: 3.97, Authoritarian: 1.32

Political Spectrum Quiz

04 July 2009

Neener Neener Neener...

I went fishing without Jeremy neener neener neener. All the cutthroat trout were caught in the above little pool of the outlet of Papoose Lake. The cutt I kept is probably the biggest I've ever caught of that species.. WAHOO!!!

More on the trip tomorrow or whenever..

01 June 2009

New Addition?

with a remote and all :)

09 May 2009

Montana Gun Law

I just watched a Glenn Beck clip talking about the new gun law in Montana. Basically it states that if a gun and ammo is produced, sold, kept and used in the state, then the federal government can't do a blasted thing about it. Utah representative Carl Wimmer was on the show to saying that they are working on the same if not a better law for Utah.

My one question is... what do you do when you move to another state?

I see this as not only a gun rights plus, but also an economic development plus. If you want your guns sold to guys in the states that have this type of law, you better have a plant in that state. Can you imagine a "Utah" version of say the xd? Springfield in every needed state, Kimber everywhere, we've got Browning already. Could be a good thing.

07 May 2009


I hate waiting... it's no fun. Friday I was laid off. Friday I had a job interview. I was told he'd know by Tuesday. Tuesday came and his insurance guy was out of town. So it got changed to Thursday. So he called today. He's still pricing out insurance. So now it's later this afternoon or first thing Monday. Friday I also went up to Newfield and put in a resume there. They have a few pumper jobs open so I wanted to make sure that my resume was in for one of them. They will take resumes for a week, then interview the top candidates. So more waiting. I hate waiting. Being jobless isn't any fun at all.

01 May 2009

Looking For Work

Steven B. Timothy


McJunkin Red Man Corp. July 2007 to May 2009
Inside Salesman: Deal with customer to provide parts based on needs. Order parts from vendors. Present quotes to customers and up sell items as needed.
Warehouse Supervisor: Deliver parts to various locations in the oil field. Ship and receive freight: enter and receive purchase orders, enter customer orders.
Classic Lube Feb. 2007 to July 2007
Aug. 2002 to Mar. 2003 Assistant Manager: Opened and closed business for operation daily. Resolved customer concerns. Varied office duties, such as: processing customer bills and filing.
Sept. 2001 to Jan. 2002
Oct. 1998 to Aug. 1999
Lube Technician: Performed primary service of changing oil on various vehicles.

Luck’s Trucks Aug. 2006 to Jan. 2007
Water Truck Driver: Hauled water to drilling rigs in the oil field. Loaded and hauled production water to disposal ponds.

Royal Wholesale Electric Jan. 2006 to Aug. 2006
Warehouse Foreman: Received incoming freight. Filled and shipped customer orders via UPS and freight lines. Oversaw warehouse workers. Maintained cleanliness of warehouse. Filled in as a delivery driver when needed.
Nov. 2004 to Jan. 2006
Warehouse /Delivery Driver: Received and put away incoming inventory. Filled customer orders. Delivered products to customers from Salt Lake City to Delta. Kept vehicles well maintained.

Rocky Road Outfitters May 2003 to Aug. 2004
Sales/Tech Support: Answered phones and took orders for Heber City company that manufactured off-road vehicle parts. Gave technical support to customers about products. Aided in filling orders and shipping of products.

Pinks June 1994 to Oct. 1998
Laborer: Installed heating and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment and ductwork. Performed minor electrical work, i.e., pull wires, wire receptacles, and light switches. Various office and customer service duties. Performed housekeeping in the shop as needed.


• Class A CDL with tank endorsement.
• Experience with shipping and receiving.
• Experience operating a fork lift.
• Experience driving delivery trucks and bobtail water truck.
• State Safety Inspection License.
• Served as Mission Fleet Manager from April 2000 to March 2001 while on an LDS Mission for the LDS Church. Duties included: Inspecting cars monthly, making sure cars were serviced properly, arranged for repairs of vehicles, worked with insurance companies in resolving damage claims, office duties, and selling used mission vehicles.
• Proficiency in Word Processing, Windows 3.11-NT, Excel, and Internet.


Bridgerland Applied Technology College, Logan, UT Spring 2002
Completed small engine repair course.

Utah State University, Basin Campus, Roosevelt, UT Summer 1997 and Fall 2001
Took general education courses.

Utah Valley State College, Orem, UT 1997-1998
Completed courses in auto mechanics.

21 April 2009

I want.......

I saw one at a retailer in Vernal the other day... Calling out to me.. It's purdy, and it'd be lots of fun! And practical of course.. If it was good enough for our boys in WWII it'd be good enough for home defense right?

09 April 2009

Nothing to say

I have nothing to say. It's been cold and windy so I haven't been able to work on the Bronco much. I was able to drive it home the other night. We put water in the battery and let it charge overnight and it's held a charge since. So that's one less expense I'll need to make.

I've been thinking about how to build a bumper/tire carrier for the rig. I want something tough and good looking. I've thought about doing 2x4x.188wall rectangle tubing for the bumper and 2x2x.188wall square tubing for the carrier. That route would cost around $130ish for the metal plus some misc. pieces of metal for brackets and whatnot. I could get some free 2-7/8" round tubing. it'd be plenty strong. Just not sure how I'd get a receiver hitch on it or mount the tire carrier. Design work will need done. The problem I have with designing things is... AMY lost my graph paper notebook. It had my shed drawings in it, and my b.o.m. for my shed also. It's gotta be around here somewhere.

02 April 2009

This time it's for real!

OK. So I have the Bronco II running tonight. As long as the jumper cables are hooked up. I've known I've needed a new battery the whole time. I just had other things to do before that point.

Soon as I get a good battery in it I'll buzz it down to my house where I can work on getting the interior put back together and cleaned up.

The guy thought that the engine needed rebuilt.. what a hoser.. it purrs like every other Bronco/Ranger out there.

29 March 2009

It's alive!!! it's alive!!! at least...

it was...

I took Jeremy up on his challenge of making the Bronco II run for under $100. Not a problem. For $13.29 after the initial $75 I had it running.

It seems it may need an in tank fuel pump now. Odd thing about the Bronco II.. the genius engineers at FoMoCo thought it would be a wonderful idea to have not only one, but two fuel pumps for this vehicle. There is a low pressure fuel pump inside the gas tank. It runs about 4-6psi. It's job is to take the fuel from the tank, and get it to the filter. (Side note, my bronco doesn't have the typical inline filter that the books call for. Mine is the canister type. Now I get to return something to Checker.. woo hoo.) The second fuel pump is a high pressure pump. It runs at 70-95psi. It's job is to get the fuel from the filter, to the engine.

Now I can somewhat see the logic behind this. Somewhat. Pumps have the weak link of lift. The more distance they have to suck up whatever they are sucking, the harder the work is. If there is very little distance on the suction side, then the pump can push very far with the pressure side. So I guess they thought if they can use a small low pressure pump to get the fuel to the filter bowl, then the high pressure pump could take it from there, and deliver it to the engine.

There's one problem with that. Every other manufacturer at the time had the brains to put the HIGH pressure pump in the tank. Thus needing only one pump. Am I going to change the set up? I would if both pumps were bad, but since I only have to replace one, I'm going to do just that. Hopefully after doing that I can get it running well enough to drive to the house. That way I'd have all MY tools readily available instead of digging through what tools my brothers have laying around.

It's a project, but it's my project.. and I like these types of projects.... Now if I could only get someone to come build my shed for me... or just do the concrete work.. that'd be enough..

26 March 2009

The Project:

This is my new $75 project.

So far I've spent $13.29 for a new ignition cylinder. We thought it would need a starter, but the thing isn't even bolted up tight. We may have to drill through the bell housing and use longer bolts with nuts on it, but we will get it to work. Then we can find out what else it will need.

The previous owner has taken the dash out and so I'll have a lot of fun trying to figure out what screws go where. He also purchased new fenders, weatherstripping, tail lights, park lights, wiper arms, a new grill, and spark plug wires. I'll be using the weatherstripping, wiper arms, and plug wires for sure. The rest will more than likely be sold if I can find a buyer.

24 March 2009

Amy is a THIEF!

I totally was going to post pictures of my rock... but she beat me to it.. so here's some more.

18 March 2009

a funny one..

On a Saturday afternoon, in Washington, D. C., House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's
aide visited the Cardinal of the Catholic cathedral. He told the Cardinal
that Nancy Pelosi would be attending the next day's sermon, and he asked if
the Cardinal would kindly point out Pelosi to the congregation and say a few
words that would include calling Pelosi a saint..

The Cardinal replied, "No. I don't really like the woman, and there are
issues of conflict with the Catholic Church over certain of Pelosi's
views." Pelosi's aide then said, "Look. I'll write a check here and now
for a donation of $100,000 to your church if you'll just tell the
congregation you see Pelosi as a saint."

The Cardinal thought about it and said, "Well, the church can use the money,
so I'll work your request into tomorrow's sermon." As Pelosi's aide
promised, House Speaker Pelosi appeared for the Sunday sermon and seated
herself prominently at the edge of the main aisle. And during the sermon,
as promised, the Cardinal pointed out that House Speaker Pelosi was present.

Then the Cardinal went on to explain to the congregation, "While Speaker
Pelosi's presence is probably an honor to some, she is not my favorite person. Some of her views are contrary to those of the church, and she
tends to flip-flop on many other views. Nancy Pelosi is a petty,
self-absorbed hypocrite, a thumb sucker, and a nit-wit. Nancy Pelosi is
also a serial liar, a cheat, and a thief. Nancy Pelosi is the worst example
of a Catholic I have ever personally witnessed. She married for money and is
using it to lie to the American people. She also has a reputation for
shirking her Representative obligations both in Washington and in
California. She simply is not to be trusted."

The Cardinal completed his view of Pelosi with, "But, when compared to
Senators Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid, and John Kerry, House Speaker Pelosi is a

05 March 2009


I was looking for some cds tonight. I have a map program that I couldn't ever get to load on the old computer, but now that we have the new one, I'd like to give them a shot. Amy thought they may be in a box of my "keepsakes" as she has it marked. No dice. But there were things from before my mission and on my mission in there.

Sometimes it's somewhat scary to look at what one was like in the past. At times I always thought I was a so so missionary and that I didn't really learn too much. Wrongo bucko. I learned a lot. Looking through some of the papers reminded me of that. It also reminded me of things I need to be doing that I'm slacking on.

In the box was a book called "Drawing on the Powers of Heaven" by Grant Von Harrison. Good book, everyone should read it. I need to re-read it and follow it's teachings.

On a more fun note, I found a small stack of notes from zone conferences and other meetings. In there was a song I wrote. Yes, I wrote a song. It's about sister missionaries. Every Elder out there hates sisters. They are a thorn in the missionaries side. I'm not saying that they shouldn't be out there. I'm just saying they are annoying. Many of those missionaries that ridicule the sisters end up marrying one. Now here's the words to the song.

You give them your heart and your money
When you leave home she is your honey.
You're back and ready for a date,
That's when she says "you'll have to wait"

She turned in her papers
She's gonna be a sister.
A sister missionary
A sister missionary

You see them walking down the street
The ground is shaking beneath their feet
They're fat and big, it's really scary
Some of them are even hairy

I hate sisters
I hate sisters
Sister missionaries
Sister missionaries

You spend two years of your life
Hoping one won't be your wife
They get on your nerves all the time
All they do is complain and whine

I hate sisters
I hate sisters
Sister missionaries
Sister missionaries

Then one day, you get a letter
Says "I wish that things could've been better
Roses are red, violets are blue
I promised to wait, but not for you"

I hate sisters
I hate sisters
Sister missionaries
Sister missionaries

Now some look hot and some look fine
Sometimes I wish that one were mine
When we get home I'll ask one out
If she says yes I'll scream and shout

I love sisters
Gonna marry a sister
A sister missionary
A sister missionary

I even played it on my guitar. Some out there even have a recording I'm sure. Man I was bored or something..

26 February 2009

Thought for the day.

I was watching Latter-Day Profiles on BYUTV the other night.. and the guy on there told of a voice he heard while praying the the celestial room. It was:

"If you knew me, you would know I would do nothing that was not an act of love in your behalf."

Just thought that'd be something good to think about when things feel like they're getting tough.

19 February 2009

Roosevelt City Secondary Water System

Roosevelt City is working on creating a secondary water system for the residents of the city. When we lived in Spanish Fark we had secondary water. Small fee year round, and during the summer months you pay for usage. It was nice to use the secondary water for the grass. I'm all for secondary water for irrigation usage. It's a way to conserve what we can so we have enough for culinary use.

I have a few thoughts/ideas about what needs done.

First off, some background on what I know about the system in place. As part of the High Uintas lake stabilization project, Big Sand Wash Reservoir was enlarged. Roosevelt City now has a large pipeline from the reservoir to the city bringing secondary water in. They have piped the water to the golf course, Constitution Park, and the cemetary. The project of enlarging the lake was started in 2004ish. I'm not totally sure when the pipeline was started.

That being said, I'll move on to my points of question about planning and what not. There have been many new subdivisions built since 2004. All of which have required new roads and infrastructure. It costs money to build a subdivision, this I know. Trenches need to be dug to lay pipelines for water, sewer and storm drains.

Question one is this: Knowing that the master plan for the secondary water was to bring it to each individual home, are secondary water pipelines already in the ground in all the subdivisions that have gone up since the inception of the Sand Wash pipeline?

My guess is no. Why is that my guess? POOR PLANNING! Am I right? I'll find out on the 24th at the public hearing. One new road that has been all but paved is 500 East, starting at 800 South and going south to Pole Line Road. That is one mile on the nose using the ruler on Google Earth. Homes are already being built in the area. Subdivisions are planned. Are there new secondary water pipes stubbed to each lot? Probably not. The city council could have created an ordinance requiring secondary water to be stubbed to each lot in all subdivisions built/planned after the pipeline project was reality.

I hope they did plan ahead, but it's all about the dollars. Save the cents now, so we can pay our friends dollars later. If they didn't stub in the lines and put in the mains in all the subdivisions, they are going to have to go in and rip up fairly NEW pavement, dig new trenches, run the pipe, and stub water to each lot. If they did think ahead, then all they'd have to do is dig the trenches in the old pavement to get the secondary water to where the new pipeline was capped and started. Little to no new pavement would have to be disturbed, thus providing longevity to the road.

Is this a rant? Yes! Am I glad to get it off my chest? YES! Am I going to run for City Council again and win? Of course I am! This summer two more seats will be open. One of them has my name on it. I have a lot more future to plan for than those on the council currently. I'm not ripping on them because they are old, I'm just stating a fact. I'm 30, they are much older. Hopefully my future is at least 20 years longer than theirs.

More questions about the project will come... It occupies my mind at night quite a bit... I need to get a notepad by my bed..

16 February 2009

Words to ponder...


Dan, do you read the above blog?

Also, in addition to what Dan had to say on gardens... an article in the Deseret News talked about growing your own food. It can be seen here http://deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,705285340,00.html

05 February 2009

Salazar Sucks!

Ken Salazar needs to be out of his position. It's unfortunate that the democraps put so many lives and jobs in jeopardy.


26 January 2009

Bread Dough

What's the harm in eating it? It's tasty! And besides, people eat cookie dough all the time...

11 January 2009

We have launch!

I have now hooked up the new computer. I should have taken Jeremy's external HD. Then I could transfer all my files effortlessly. I'll figure it out eventually.

Vista.... we'll see how I do with it. I use XP at work, but our home computer has been Win2000 sp4. So this is quite the upgrade.

08 January 2009

The Computer...

Has shipped! I should have it tomorrow! Knowing FedEx I'll end up with the monitor and not the computer... but then, according to the tracking numbers, I should be safe.

06 January 2009

The cold... and other things..

For those pansies out there thinking the cold is here, it's not. We haven't hit the lows yet. Yes, middle sink up around Logan has hit -53, and yes, Sunday we went to church and it was -9. But seriously, the cold has yet to come. We have still had sunshine. And we have still had a high on the plus side of zero. For those newscasters in Salt Lick City, the "bitter cold" isn't here like you think it is. We'd love days in the 20s. Snow melts when it's that warm. Less layers of clothing are necessary to carry out your duties for the day. The cold has yet to come. We may not hit the lows of previous years (-47) but it will come. It's only been -22 so far this winter. It's been a nice mild winter.

Amy said the other day if you would have told her 5 years ago that she'd be living in one of the coldest cities in Utah she'd have laughed at you. But now look at her. She has adapted and so can you.

If the oil prices will get back up around $60-70 a bbl things would be just fine out here. They hit $50 today! But they did close at $48.xx. I'm a little mixed on how I should feel about higher oil prices. On one hand, I want to keep my job. And I want it to be busy at work. But on the other hand, I love the lower gas prices. It's kind of a catch-22. Scary thing is overnight 98 rigs shut down across the country. At work on the company web page it has a rig count for the USA. Yesterday it was 1721. Today it was 1623. That's a heck of a lot of rigs to shut down in one day. Hopefully we can get it back up to the 3000 of the past summer. Only time will tell. Just hope all the enviro-nazis get their heads out of their backside and realize how important oil is to them. Plastic and poly-fibres sure are hard to make when you don't have the oil to do it. No true greenie should be reading this anyway. Cause no true greenie would still be using oil products like they tell us not to. So they couldn't use a keyboard, cell phone, or any other means of getting online. Sucks for them!